TC Williams High School Class of 1977
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Cernata Stanton Morse
My purpose and goal throughout my professional career is as I climb to excellence I will empower another to rise. I receive great satisfaction and enjoy empowering others through my expertise and leadership in the academic environment. I demonstrate charismatic and transformational leadership qualities throughout my mentoring and teaching experiences. I am highly experienced in leadership, relationship building, communication, public relations, marketing, and advertising. I have extensive experience in business management and leadership; state and federal government, private industry, public relations, and public school education system.
My career is reflective of my passion and commitment to the importance of continual learning, leadership effectiveness, and organizational change. My philosophy in education is to create an environment of shared visions, common goals of achieving excellence and interactive energy to ensure academic success. Currently as a consultant and adjunct professor I continue to impact social change through education, mentoring, and being an advocate for social change in our society. ~Dr. Cernata C. Morse
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